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Why Choose Plastic Brackets?

Why Choose Plastic Brackets?

When we started designing the Fence & Deck Rite product line, our goal was to create high-quality, LASTING hardware for your outdoor projects. Our years of experience in the injection molding industry have allowed us to get to know the pros and cons of many different materials and we carefully judged each one when deciding upon the best fit. In the end, our team decided on UV protected Polypropylene for the following reasons:

1. Lasting Aesthetics

For decades, the industry standard for brackets, hangers and braces have been steel with a zinc finish. The problem is that this doesn’t really offer much in terms of visuals. Even when treated, metal can rust and deteriorate over time. When painted, it often chips and doesn’t absorb the paint, leaving you with an unfinished look. Using UV protect polypropylene ensures that our hardware will maintain its crisp color and add to the overall aesthetics of your project.

2. Perfect for our Climate

The whole idea behind plastic hardware was to move away from rust and rot so it only made sense to pick a plastic that would be able to resist even the harshest of Canadian winters. Polypropylene (pp) can do just that. Its molecular composition allows it to maintain its strength in the cold and ensures that it will not rot if it stays wet for prolonged periods of time.

3. High Impact Resistance

We get it. Sometimes you’ll miss with that hammer or you’ll drill a little too far. We wanted to make sure that our products could withstand the impacts of renovations as well as the day to day forces being applied to them. PP ensures just that! Our material is specially processed to ensure that it not only maintains its shape but so that it can also take a beating.

4. Protected Against UV Rays

One issue that often arises with the incorrect use of polypropylene is that it can be degraded by UV rays. You’ve probably seen this on some of your outdoor planters or furniture. To counteract the degradation, all Fence and Deck Rite products are injected with a special UV protection that will allow them to withstand the sun’s rays for over 20 years!

The choice of the right material was a tough one for us as we wanted to offer you products that were both practical and very resistant. In the end, we are proud knowing that each of our brackets and hangers is made to last.

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